Monday, February 13, 2023

100 Names for Small Gods (or Cats) and a Short Pome about Cats (or Small Gods)

I did say there would be occasional cats!  And I need a break from writing dreary pretentious depressing egotistical bullshit.

I was reading the Wizards as Clerics of Magic post by semiurge and it made me resurrect this list, which I was working on last week before I got distracted...  This was originally intended as a list of names for small gods or cats (or small gods who manifest as cats) (or appellations for a cat god).  It also strikes me that these "small gods" or spirits might be called on by magic users to do certain things.  I have not actually detailed the powers or spells associated with each name - I think in some cases there is something pretty obvious, but in others it isn't immediately clear what propitiating such a god (or cat, I mean let's face it they are more or less synonymous anyway) might get you.  My hope is that the names are evocative enough that you can think of something (or several somethings) that fit the bill.

Also, at the very end of this is an imitatio of We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks that involves cats.  I was fortunate enough to meet her briefly while she was still incarnated here in Chicago.  She was a lovely woman and meeting her was an inspiration.  I mention this here both because I took direct inspiration from her for the poem and also because she encouraged me to read poetry, and I would like to pass that encouragement on to other people.  I hope you enjoy it and even if you don't that you continue to read poetry.

  1. Mellowpaw*
  2. Mr. Sound
  3. Ambassador Azrael Extraordinary
  4. Wild Widow Diligent
  5. Mickey Barcode
  6. Artemis Ruqualash
  7. The Glacier
  8. Zeppelin Bone
  9. Judicial System
  10. Soft Red Glow
  11. Gravity Need Not Apply
  12. Precision Instrument
  13. Possession Is Nine Tenths of the Law
  14. Open the Door Close the Door Open the Door
  15. Mercury Gaze
  16. This Is For You
  17. Murderclaw*
  18. Silence of the Aeons
  19. Assigned Viewing
  20. Virtue of Inaction
  21. Death Prophet
  22. Bonnie Billy Bewildering
  23. Zipslide Flipside Zoomwilder
  24. Effortless Grace
  25. Twill Trill Ear Drill
  26. Unconscious Desire
  27. Drag It From the Sky
  28. Effective Technique
  29. Once More but Faster and Slyer
  30. Drifting Bit of Fur
  31. Take the Babies and Run
  32. Grandfather Ruin
  33. Edith Escape Claws
  34. Saul of the Sumptuous Banquet
  35. Amadeus Attitude
  36. Obdurate Octavia Outrageous
  37. Mona Low Moan
  38. The Wiggler
  39. Randy Randall One-eye
  40. Silky Soft Saboteur
  41. Lightning Follows Me
  42. Fastest Path
  43. I Will Leave A Marcus
  44. Nate Abhors a Vacuum
  45. Thomas Turning Tail & Timothy Twisting Tail (these always show up together)
  46. Perhaps I Didn’t Think This Through
  47. Izzy Edible
  48. Twilight’s Heavy Burden
  49. Critical Hit
  50. Special Handling
  51. Current Resident
  52. Relaxed Atmosphere
  53. All Things Must Be Devoured
  54. Cruthington Murder Mitten
  55. Depth Perception
  56. Sleek Sweet Susan Deepsleep
  57. Now How Do I Get Down
  58. Withering Look
  59. Shady Sheamus Shameless
  60. Jellobelly the Pirate
  61. Soft Killer
  62. The Infanticide
  63. Megakratheon**
  64. This Is My Stomach There Are Many Like It But This One Is Mine
  65. Howling Fury
  66. The Hidden Thing
  67. Sleep Deprived
  68. Rogue Agent
  69. Slick Sammy Switchblade
  70. Loosed Upon The World
  71. Vasebreaker
  72. The Surly Churl
  73. Emperor Steven Eventide
  74. Number Six
  75. Willing Prisoner
  76. Tell Me About the Rabbits
  77. Double Action
  78. Marvelous Mildred Midwinter
  79. The Moon in Daylight
  80. Ethan Socksbury of Fethingham
  81. Slackmaster J
  82. Beauty Set to Music
  83. The Zorn of Zorna
  84. Ivan Invisible
  85. I Go Unnoticed
  86. The Thorn
  87. Diffident Dancer
  88. Best In Life
  89. The Squint
  90. Harold Herald of Heroes
  91. Real Gone
  92. The Hip Gahn
  93. Wholly Devoid of Sympathy
  94. Softest Fur In the Universe
  95. Enjambment
  96. Anapest Dactyl
  97. The Missing Ingredient
  98. Is It Breakable
  99. I Was Made For This Box
  100. High Frequency

We Hunt Prey

(with apologies to Gwendolyn Brooks)

We hunt prey. We
Spring-play. We

Flop-sleep. We
Dream deep. We

Bump-flit. We
Snarl spit. We

Jump-fly. We
Sneak-spy. We

Trill-speak. We
Zoom-streak. We

Fast blur. We
Soft purr.

* Twins


  1. Replies
    1. I'm happy you enjoyed it! This one was fun to write!

  2. Lovely cats, glad they're friends. Glad to have helped inspire this as well - to be in a cohort with Gwendolyn Brooks!

    Some of the cat names remind me of names for ships from Iain Banks' Culture series - though of course more cat-like. Think Harold, Herald of Heroes is my favourite. The poem, too, expresses that essential cat-ness.

    No poet myself, but a few lines came to me the other night - maybe you'll get a kick out of them:
    The voice of thunder
    Echoing cry
    In light born
    In darkness die

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I haven't read Banks' work, perhaps I'll give him a try! I thought too that some of them sounded like ship names! Which makes a certain amount of sense, I guess - I can absolutely understand someone praying to a ship not to capsize during a storm, lol. I think my favorites are probably "Once more But Faster and Slyer" though that might be the guitar player in me, "The Wiggler" just for the images it conjures, and "The Infanticide" - most of the cats I've met adhered more or less to the contract between men and cats, but just like with people, every now and then you run across one that just doesn't and they can be real bastards - though again, just like with people, sometimes the real bastards are fascinating.

      The poem was a ton of fun to write, and one of the first times I've consciously tried that kind of imitation. I had a good time with it! I think I might try to write more humor / happy / peaceful stuff for a bit. Srs biznss writing tends to be a little exhausting and I could use a break, though of course, I rarely get to choose what seems to come through the antenna.

      I like the lines! Simple but effective, which is almost always better (or at least more to my liking) than complicated and effective! For some reason they remind me of the poem in Twin Peaks - I think at least in part it's the rhythm!

      Through the darkness of future's past
      The magician longs to see.
      One chants out between two worlds
      Fire walk with me.

    2. Have read some interesting theories about fitting together that poem from Twin Peaks with the one from Twin Peaks the Return:

      This is the water and this is the well
      Drink full and descend
      The horse is the white of the eye
      And dark within

      Fitting them together like a jigsaw puzzle, or seeing them as reversals of each other like text in a mirror. The contrast of water and fire, darkness and seeing/white and dark, the mount ridden and the companion walked beside. Reconcile the apparent contradictions, and you'll probably get to the meat of it.

    3. Ohh, wow! I have thought a little about this, but not to that extent. I loved both runs - the gift of the show is the mystery, the fact that we get to wonder and puzzle and hypothesize about what it all means. I watched the original show back when it first aired and got a few friends of mine into it over the years. I am so, so glad it didn't get all wrapped up with a nice bow during the Return and we still get to think about things like this!

  3. So fucking cool that you met her - I think she'd appreciate this version, being the "wooer of cats and pigeons" (or at least the guide to The Empty Woman who does) herself. The name list is a nice bit of poetry in its own right, even if unintentional.

    1. Yeah it was ages ago, but I still recall it pretty vividly! A good memory. Thanks for your kind words re: the list! It was a lot of fun to write, and I could probably have kept going. I might revisit at some point and either do another 100 or try to flesh out the powers granted by each microgod-cat thing!
