Monday, August 15, 2022

Central American Myths and Titans

I've always been fascinated with Central and South American myths, Aztec and Mayan gods and goddesses.  I blame AD&D 1st edition Deities and Demigods.  They are primal, brutal, weird, sometimes sexy.  Recently I've been painting an Adeptus Titanicus battlegroup that uses some of these symbols.  The color palette was inspired by colors I associate with Central America and the Southwest, and the names for the God-Machines are ripped right from the myths.  I really want to work up a fairly deep backstory on this Legio - I have not yet decided on a name, but I have figured out that they don’t make a distinction between knights and titans.

Here’s the progress so far.




Cipactli - I lost his base somehow.  I ordered another but it too was lost en route! 
GW will replace it, but they are out of stock!
One day I will be whole!

The battlegroup so far...

The Inspiration…


  1. As I recall, the Titan legions tend to have a colourful Space Marine-like name (eg, Fire Wasps) and a pseudo-Latin 'High Gothic' one - you could play on the difference between a self-coined name and whatever the Adminstratum brand them with.

    1. Hey Solomon! You have it exactly right. There's an official Administratum title (the Latin bit), and then a cognomen (the colorful bit). I haven't pinned down either one for these guys quite yet, but I've been thinking something along the lines of Legio Solis / Sun Masters or Legio Panthera / Jaguar Warriors, but remain undecided!

    2. Sun Masters strikes me as having that brash, on-the-nose quality of early 40k names - Cf. Blood Drinkers, Flesh Tearers, Grief Bringers. Not sure if that's necessarily what you want, but it's at least fitting!

    3. It does, doesn't it? I'm leaning towards that at the moment. I like Panthera, but the ~Warriors bit is too bland for me. Something will come!
