Thursday, August 25, 2022

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Gryphonicus Battlegroup

I really like the rules and gameplay of Adeptus Titanicus.  No one near me really played, though, so I decided to paint up two battlegroups.  That way I could let people who were interested pick a side an we could play.  It's worked out pretty well.

Here are the Gryphonicus Titans.  I gave them lots of Reavers, both because I like Reavers and because canonically they have more Reavers than any other type of titan.

This was an accident - There are two sets of feet in the Warhound kit, and I used one of the "wrong" ones.  So I just worked with the base a bit to try to make it look semi natural.  It turned out ok.

I was initially going to stop at five titans per side.....

Then they came out with this....

And then I just couldn't help myself.

You can see a few knights here.  Here's a detail on one of them.

And finally here's a terrain piece I converted from a prescription bottle and an old Celestine I had and never bothered to put together.  Fairly happy with the way it turned out.

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