Saturday, March 11, 2023


The second of the Maya Hero Twins Xbalanque ("Jaguar Sun") and Hunahpu ("One-Blowgunner") for my Legio Solis.  The warhounds for Adeptus Titanicus come in pairs, so the Hero Twin theme seemed suitable.  I finished Xbalanque last month, so this time around I present Hunahpu.

I have kind of stopped keeping track of 40k.  I came to 40k pretty late, somewhere in maybe 2013 or so, and I burned through a bunch of the lore.  It felt really vast to me and as bombastic as it was there were lots of absolutely fascinating characters and places.  A lot of the lore I read was copied pretty much directly from Imperial Armor and the Horus Heresy Black Books from Forge World and I grew to really love the tone, ideas, and style of Alan Bligh.  I really think he was a massive loss.  One of my favorite Warhammer RPG supplements was Disciples of the Dark Gods, which he co-wrote with John French.  I still go through those books every now and then - Fantasy Flight put out a lot of great supplemental stuff for their 40k RPGs.

However, I am a sucker for Titans.  So much so that I have seriously considered buying a full size Warlord more than once before regaining my sanity.  And the ruleset for Adeptus Titanicus is badass - the God-machines really seem to come to life using that ruleset.

Here are the Hero Twins flanking Painal.  If you are curious about Painal, do yourself a favor when you search it and type this in: "Painal Aztec God" - just trust me on this, especially if you are at work.

Anyway, I don't have the lore all fleshed out yet, but these guys definitely look at combat as if it were a ballgame with the Lords of Xibalba.

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