Saturday, April 1, 2023

Miscellaneous Illustrations

I've been having a difficult time with writing recently so I decided to use some of that time to do some visual art.  The paintings have been fun - I think I might continue to do a few more of those and then see if I can get a panorama.  At first I was thinking about trying to do the painting equivalent of an ambigram, but decided against it for now - I might still try.  I also might flip them all upside down anyway - it takes on a kind of Boschian feel when I look at them that way, like something from the Hell portion of the Garden of Earthly Delights triptych.

4" by 6", acrylic on canvas
Red City I

4" by 6",  acrylic on canvas
Red City II

A while ago I bought a set of rapidographs.  I had a set when I was a kid and I really liked working with them.  I can't remember what brand they were, but this time around I got Koh I Noor "official" rapidographs.  And I got them out and got them ready and then didn't do anything with them for eight or nine months.  When I finally decided to use them, two of them, the biggest and the smallest, had developed some kind of clot that I just could not get out - tried soaking it in water overnight, etc etc.  The only thing I didn't try is a sonic cleaning and that's because I do not have a sonic cleaner.  But no luck.  Finally I just thought, screw it, I'll buy new nibs for these, and then I learned that they had been discontinued.  Such is life.  At any rate, the two medium thickness nibs, .25 and .35, worked well enough for me to just use those, and I may poke around to see if I can still find replacement nibs for the .13 and the .50.

8.5" by 11", pen and ink on paper

I often have these incredibly vivid hallucinations when I am falling asleep.  Usually it takes the form of strange, monstrous faces and creatures surrounding me.  It scared the hell out of me when I was a little kid, but now I kind of enjoy the show.  At one point I started trying to write them down in poetic form for a sort of weird ass artpunk monster manual (see the Propheticum Somnium Hallucinationes if you are interested).  What made it tricky was that I had to allow myself to get deep enough to experience that hypnogogic state, and then rise enough to consciously transfix the image in my mind so I wouldn't forget it.  I stopped doing that but am considering starting the practice again.


  1. I didn't realize you had visual art skills, these are all really cool.

    1. Thanks Max! I am not a particularly talented visual artist by any means, but I enjoy doing it. Writing is super-cerebral for me, playing music or visual art is a little more somatic and meditative. I think in one of the conversations we had we discussed how investigating one discipline can sometimes help you make non-linear progress in another. Sometimes switching my creative mode produces a breakthrough in whatever I'm feeling blocked in!
